Journal writing is the ultimate tool for self discovery and personal growth. There are so many ways to journal that everyone can find one that fits their own personal style.
Free Writing
Gratitude Journaling: (Each day write at least 5 things that you are grateful for)
Write letters to your future self.
List Form: (Bucket List, 60 things to do before I am 60, etc.)
Alpha Poems: Write the alphabet down the left side of the page and compose a poem with each letter starting a phrase – A- All right, I am going to start a journal, B- Before I was not successful at it, C-Can Do attitude may help me, D- Dear Lord, how do I start……
Prompts: What would I do if I could not fail……, The best moment of my life was……… The thing I fear most is…………
Character Depictions: Describe someone important to you in as much detail as you can.
Manifesting: Write out your ideal future as if it was happening in the present.
**Please enjoy this free talk entitled: Journal Writing for Personal Growth and Self Discovery. It is an hour long talk that I gave to the Online Chapter of the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation in 2015. I have cut off the question and answer section for the privacy of the participants.